Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dynamic Filter in Control-M EM GUI

A dynamic filter is a filter that you define locally as you need it. You can then discard it or save it for reuse.

To define a dynamic filter:
  1. If the Dynamic Filter Definition dialog box is not currently displayed, display it by performing one of the following tasks (whichever is appropriate):
    • If the Select ViewPoint dialog box is currently displayed (that is, you are in the process of opening a ViewPoint), after you select the ViewPoint, click Dynamic Filter.
    • If the ViewPoint is currently displayed, select <Dynamic Filter> in the Filter list box.
    • The Dynamic Filter Definition dialog box displays the last-used dynamic filtering criteria.
  2. To edit an existing filter, select it in the Filter Presets field and click OK. To create a new filter, specify a name for it in the Filter Presets field.
  3. Fill in filtering criteria.
  4. To save this definition for later reuse, click SAVE Button.

Consider the following when filling in filtering criteria:
  • Most fields are self-explanatory. If you need a description of the fields that correspond to fields in the job editing form,
  • You can use the LIKE operator for all text fields except the Odate and Time parameters. For Odate From and Time From, use the >= operator. For the Odate To and Time To fields, use the <= operator.
  • For Odate From and Odate To, use the yymmdd format. For Time From and Time To, use the hh:mm format.
  • Fields can contain several criteria separated by commas (for example, CONTROLM = A*,B*).
  • If you specify values for Time From and To fields in the filter, the filter processes values in the Start Time and End Time fields in the Job Detail screen (not the From and Until fields in the Job Detail screen).
  • The Job Status and TaskType fields each have a button, when clicked, opens an appropriate dialog box (with relevant check boxes):
  • For BMC Batch Impact Manager users: Check the Included in Business Service checkbox to filter on jobs belong to a critical batch service.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Find jobs in Control-M

To find jobs in the flow diagram that conform to specific criteria
  1. In CONTROL-M/Desktop or CONTROL-M/EM, select Edit => Find Jobs.
  2. In the Find Job dialog box, fill in the criteria (you can specify pattern-matching strings in certain fields).
  3. In CONTROL-M/EM only, to save the specified Find criteria for future use, assign a name in the Find Presets field, and click Save.
  4. Click Find, which selects all nodes matching the criteria, and displays the first node that fits the criteria.
To change the focus (navigate among multiple selected nodes)

Click the appropriate navigation button (First)  , (Previous) , (Next) , or (Last) ,  or use the View => Toggle Selection menu.

Prerequisite Conditions

"Prerequisite Condition is a flag representing a user-specified situation or condition. Submission of a job for execution can be made dependent upon the existence of one or more conditions. Conditions are recorded in the Conditions table in Control-M EM Server database"

Job dependencies in the flow diagram are represented by lines and arrows connecting
job nodes, for example.These lines can even indicate dependencies between jobs in different CONTROL-Ms. The direction of arrows at the ends of the lines indicates the flow direction (predecessor and successor relationship) of the connected nodes.

Dotted lines between two jobs indicates a conditional link between the two jobs (for example, optional In conditions defined using OR logic).

An arrow without a connecting line at the top or bottom of a node indicates one of the following condition types:

Arrow at the top of the Job — a manual In prerequisite condition. This is a condition that does not get added automatically by another job, but rather must be manually added.

Arrow at the bottom of the Job — The Out prerequisite condition has no corresponding In condition or job dependent upon the condition.

In CONTROL-M/EM, the connecting lines between conditions are

Green —condition exists (active)
Black — condition does not exist yet (inactive)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Control-M Job Actions

Actions that can be performed on jobs:

Confirm the job.
Delete the job.
View the job's documentation.
Edit JCL/Script
Edit the job's JCL or job script statements.

Enhanced Why
View the predecessor’s jobs and Group Scheduling table for a selected job or Group Scheduling table. It is selectable only from Flow Diagram.
Force OK
Set the job status to OK.
Free the job.
Hold the job.
Terminate the job and its associated processes.
View log messages for the job.
[OS/390] Reactivate post-processing for the selected job.
Rerun the job.
[OS/390] Restart the job using CONTROL-R.
View statistics of the job's latest runs.
Undelete the deleted job.
View JCL/Script
View the job's JCL or job script statements.
View the job's Sysouts.
Determine why the job has not yet been executed.

Menu options can be disabled in specific situations.

For example:

  •  The Why option is disabled when the job is executing or has completed.
  •  The Hold option is disabled when the job is already held.
  •  All options (excluding the Properties option) are disabled when communication is temporarily not synchronized.
  •  When any one of these actions is selected, CONTROL-M/EM accesses and/or updates the relevant CONTROL-M installation's database.

Before updating a job's details, you must HOLD the job. After updating, you can FREE the job.

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