To perform any action in Control-M we need Authorization/Permission. This will be setup using Authorizations window in Control-M/EM GUI. Using this we can create, modify or Delete user-id's and their privileges. This is the window Schedulers or Admin will use to create a User-Id or Reset Password or modifying privileges.. etc.
To access the Authorizations window Follow the below steps:
- Log on to CONTROL-M/EM GUI or CONTROL-M/Desktop.
- Choose Tools => Authorizations. The Users tab is displayed.
The Authorization window has separate panels for users and groups. The Users panel enables you to add, modify, copy, or delete a user whose authorizations can be configured. The Groups panel enables you to add, modify, copy, or delete a group whose authorizations apply to members of the group.
Actions that are permitted or denied for each access level are described below.
- None - Denies access to the component.
- Browse - Can view and refresh the component.
- Update - Permits adding and modifying CONTROL-M information.
- Full - Permits adding, modifying, and deleting CONTROL-M information.
- Default - [Valid for user authorizations. Not valid for group authorizations.] Inherits the permissions from the group to which the user belongs. Use of this is, We can create a Group with list of Privileges
The panel will look like below.
Authorizations window – Users tab fields
- Filter: Select this check box to enable the User Name filter.
- User Name text box: Specify a user name or pattern (for example, adm*). Click Apply to apply the filter. Click Clear to erase the contents of the text box.
- Name: CONTROL-M/EM logon name of the user to whom the authorization refers. Names listed satisfy the requirements of the filter, if any.
- Full Name: Full name of the user.
- Description: Description of the user.
Authorizations window – Groups tab fields
- Filter: Select this check box to enable the Group Name filter.
- Group Name text box: Specify a group name or pattern (for example, adm*). Click Apply to apply the filter. Click Clear to erase the contents of the text box.
- Name Group name: Groups listed satisfy the filter requirements, if any.
- Description: Description of the group.
Authorizations window – User Properties fields
- General: Provides logon data about users (or lists members of a group).
- Member Of: [User Authorizations window] Matches users with groups.
- Jobs: Jobs a user (or member) can access and actions he can perform.
- Privileges:
- Whether the CONTROL-M Configuration Manager can be accessed and used, Alerts and Archived Viewpoints can be viewed, and the user (or member) can use the Command Line Interface (cli).
- Actions that can be performed on Collections, Hierarchies, Filters, ViewPoints, and Authorization screens.
- Scheduling Tables: Scheduling tables a user (or member) can access in CONTROL-M/Desktop, authorization levels for the tables, and whether jobs or tables can be ordered or forced.
- Prerequisite Conditions: Prerequisite conditions that a user (or member) can access.
- Control Resources: Control resources that a user (or member) can access.
- Quantitative Resources: Quantitative resources that a user (or member) can access.
- Global Conditions: Global conditions that a user (or member) can access.
- Calendars: Calendars that a user (or member) can access.
- Owners: Jobs in scheduling tables that a user can access.