SU: The Supervisor (p_ctmsu):
SL: The Selector (p_ctmsl):
NS: The Network Server (p_ctmns):
TR: The Tracker (p_ctmtr):
CO: Communication Gateway (p_ctmco):
CS: Communication Service (p_ctmcs):
RT: Communication Router (p_ctmrt)
WD: The Watchdog (p_ctmwd):
LG: The Logger Process:
CD: Communication Download Process (p_ctmcd):
- performs heartbeat monitoring of all processes
- Before start of New Day, it suspends all the processes and then to itself
SL: The Selector (p_ctmsl):
- Makes a selection loop to determine which job will be submitted for the execution to the OS
- Performs partial jobs post-processing actions
- Frees all resources occupied by jobs
NS: The Network Server (p_ctmns):
- Manage the communication to all Control-M/Agents
- When a message arrives from the Agent, NS sends a trigger to a process that will handle the request
- Updates the Agent status file and notifies TR, SL, CD and CS processes by sending triggers
TR: The Tracker (p_ctmtr):
- Updates jobs state when informed by the agent
- Performs late execution shouts and DO STMT
CO: Communication Gateway (p_ctmco):
- It handles two types requests- one from CD like Download and other from Control-M/EM, to be handled by CS like order, view
- It analyzes requests and sends them to the appropriate destination
CS: Communication Service (p_ctmcs):
- All requests to the CS pass through the CO process
- Handles the requests that comes from Control-M/EM
- Multiple number of CS processes can be set
RT: Communication Router (p_ctmrt)
- Manage the communication messages between all processes
- Responsible for the messages to arrive in the correct order
WD: The Watchdog (p_ctmwd):
- Monitors essential Control-M processes, resources and sends an appropriate alert when there is a problem
- WD checks all the primary Control-M processes are functioning
LG: The Logger Process:
- Logs all the details
CD: Communication Download Process (p_ctmcd):
- CD process checks if the New Day Time has arrived
- It sends a message to SU to suspend all Control-M processes and the “STOP LINK” message to Control-M/EM
- CD updates the IOALOG about New-Day Beginning and updates a Date in the Control-M server database
- It sends the New Day message to all available agents for cleanup purpose
- It cleans the jobs from Active Job File, log messages and statistics information
- It orders jobs upon their scheduling criteria to the AJF
- Once New day is completed, it sends the “START LINK” message to Control-M/EM and a message to CO to activate all the Control-M processes
For monitoring, what would you suggest? Is monitoring the SU process sufficient?
Which 5 processes are there in version 9 and what's the utility to check processes
How to set multiple CS PROCESS ?
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